Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Looklet - User: nisaee (Looks)

Looklet - User: nisaee (Looks)

really, inspiring

We are young
We are strong
We're not looking for where we belong

We're not cool
We are free
And we're running with blood on our knees

We could rule the world
On a silver platter
From the wrong to the right light
To an open stream

With a crash and burn
We could make it better
Turn it upside down
Just you and me

We are the dream
No other way
To be
I could change the world
I could make it better
Kick it up and down
Take a chance on me

When you fake a smile
And you think you're better
Gonna put it down
Rip (?) it at your feet

No bridge to burn
Nowhere to turn
For me

What do they know about us?
Are they thinking of somebody else?
Are they wondering what we might be?
Are they thinking of you or of me?

kick ass by Mika

74 ALTILERY 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

belom dapet kuliah ~~

mungkin yang ngerasain hal ini ga cuma gue dong tapi gue bener-bener ngerasa useless. hahahaha Lebay banget sih tapi gimana ya ini yang gue rasain. gue mikir i'm not stupid yet tapi pas gue megang soal-soal itu ditangan gue yang pertama gue lakuin narik nafas yang dalem dan mulai baca-baca soal mtk (yang kebetulan ditaro di page awal -sekitar 20soalan-) beberapa menit kemudian gue cuma bisa ketawa dan berbisik di dalam hati kalo gue tu bodoh banget soal kayak gini ga bisa dan akhirnya gue menuju soal bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris dan endingnya balik lagi ke soal mtk yang gue ga pernah tau how to solve this fu*king questions. gue ngarepin miracle tapi itu sama sekali ga mungkin, wong gue jarang belajar. mungkin Allah ngeliat gue yang ga ada ikhtiarnya jadi Dia belom ngasih kesempatan buat gue terutama buat masuk Universitas Negri yang amat di dambakan anak-anak se-Indonesia. hahahahaha kalo emang bukan jodohnya gue masuk universitas itu gue bakal nyari universitas yang jodoh sama gue deh, ga mesti bagus yang penting gue bisa dapet prestasi dan bisa ngebuat orangtua seneng heehe

with Abel Faraday

with Abel Faraday

74 ALTILERY 2010

74 ALTILERY 2010
74 senior high school